SAU81 was a project I worked on as a Full-Stack Web Developer from 2015 to 2019. The project involved developing systems for data-entry used by the SAU81 School District and Hudson Federation of Teachers. In addition, I worked on numerous district and school websites.

My role in the project was to develop the backend and frontend systems using PHP 7, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS. The objective was to create intuitive and user-friendly systems that would allow the SAU81 School District and Hudson Federation of Teachers to efficiently manage their data and resources.

The biggest challenge by far was browser support. Up until recently, SAU81 used various different browsers from over the last few decades. This was mitigated by using BrowserStack and experimenting with JavaScript pre-processors.

Despite the challenges, the SAU81 project was a success, and the systems I developed continue to be used by the SAU81 School District and Hudson Federation of Teachers to this day. I'm proud of the role I played in the project's development and the experience gained from working on such a meaningful and impactful project. The district and school websites I worked on also remain publicly accessible and provide an excellent example of how modern web technologies can be used to create informative and engaging online resources for educational institutions.